Exhibiting Companies
Your Partner for Progress in an Ever-Changing Digital World
Founded in 1997, DataArt is a global software engineering firm and the trusted technology partner of market leaders. Led by our people-first principle, our world-class team designs and engineers data-driven, cloud-native solutions that drive progress and create immediate and enduring business value.
DataArt provides medical software development services that help organizations not only elevate the standard of living, but also save precious human lives. Guided by our vast experience and proven track record, we partner with clients to cultivate innovation and digital transformation. Together, we enhance health outcomes and solve complex business challenges.
Products and Services
AI & Digital TechnologyClinical Trial Design, Operations & MonitoringDecentralized Clinical TrialsDrug Safety / PharmacovigilanceElectronic Data CaptureIT Outsourcing & Cloud HostingMedical Devices/Combination Products