Celerion, a leader in early clinical research services and clinical bioanalysis industry, is a global company with over 50 years of experience. Our unique combination of medical expertise, clinical operations experience and scientific excellence provides our customers with the confidence to make fast, accurate decisions about their drug development. Celerion has proven experience across a variety of vaccines, including different routes of administration, and patient populations. Our track record spans both preventive and therapeutic vaccines, subunit and conjugates across all phases I-IV in more than 20 countries, 300 study centers and 4500 subjects.
Products and Services
Preclinical Development and Early-Phase Clinical Research
Description of Booth Activities
Free A1c Testing
In order to increase diabetes awareness Celerion will be providing point-of-service A1c testing at this year's DIA. Fasting will not be necessary.
Your A1c test will be processed and you will receive your results within five minutes.
Booth Giveaways
Remarkable tablet
Job Postings